Nature Starts at Your Back Door. Your yard, our parks, school yards and other community green space are vital to the world’s ecosystem. Living landscapes, including a balanced mix of climate-appropriate grass, trees, shrubs and flowering plants, contribute to the health and well-being of people, pets and wildlife. Landscaping isn’t just for beauty. It is a wildlife habitat, a stress-reliever, recreational space, and an outdoor living area.

Backyarding With a Purpose: Know Your Personality Type
Backyarding – the trend to use the backyard for everything from tele-working and working out to relaxing and recreating – has a different purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating a...
How to Create the Perfect Outdoor Living (and Work) Room
It’s time for pandemic-weary homeowners to ready yards and landscapes for backyarding. Yes, backyarding is a word – and one that we all need right now. The pandemic thrust us into a new reality, and the backyard has a starring role. With a year of limitations on where...
New Home? Avoid These Common Mistakes in Your Yard
Millions of Americans moved during the pandemic – many to homes with bigger yards for outdoor living. The trend of spending more time in the family yard – a.k.a. “backyarding” – is good for our health and well-being, and it creates a safe place to make memories with...
Backyarding is a Trend and It’s Here to Stay
Backyarding. Yes, it’s a word. The pandemic thrust us into a new reality, and the backyard has a starring role. With limitations on where we can go, how we can gather, and who we can connect with, our yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven. Backyarding...
6 Ways Sellers Can Help Buyers Visualize “Backyarding” Potential With Curb Appeal
Curb appeal is about more than just the first impression a property makes. Since we’ve all been spending more time at home and in the safe space of our backyards, people intimately understand the value of the yard as a place for children and pets to play, an extension...
How to Help Buyers See a Backyard’s Pet Potential
No one knows and appreciates spending time in the family yard (a.k.a. “backyarding”) like the family dog. During the pandemic, pet ownership has increased, and pets have provided companionship, consistency and joy to families over the last year especially. According...
Wise Winter Weather Safety Tips for Pet Lovers
Pets are an important part of the family and a big consideration for many seeking a new home, perhaps now more than ever before since a growing number of families have used their time at home to adopt and foster a family pet. Research shows that during the coronavirus...
7 Reasons Why Getting Outside in Winter is Good for Us
Winter can be tough on people in the best of times, but it is particularly challenging during a global pandemic. Throughout the spring, summer and fall, the outdoors – including our yards, parks, and sports fields – were critical for buoying our mental well-being,...
5 Ways the Yard Really Sells a House During the Pandemic (and Beyond)
In the era of the coronavirus pandemic, many buyers are looking for bigger homes with larger yards. A recent study released by the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) indicated that outdoor space was one of the top features that have gained importance during the...
Snow & Ice Tips to Protect Yards This Winter
With the pandemic keeping people sheltering at home, more people are extending their outdoor time in the winter by adding fire pits, outdoor heaters and other features. Even in the wintertime, it’s important to take care of your yard. The Outdoor Power Equipment...
Snow Thrower Usage: Get Ready Before the First Flakes Fall & Keep Safety Top of Mind
The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) encourages homeowners to ready their snow throwers, often referred to as snow blowers, and other winter equipment as winter descends. “Weather is more unpredictable now than ever, so you want to be ready before the first...
10 Tips for Safe Winter Generator Usage
If your electricity goes out due to snow and ice this winter, a generator can keep power flowing to your home. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing small engine, utility vehicle and outdoor power equipment...
De-stress in Your Own Back Yard
While adults are home teleworking, and kids are at home participating in online educational instruction (we hope), it’s even more important during these challenging times to take a moment to get out into the family yard. The TurfMutt Foundation reminds families that...
Clearing the White Stuff with Safety in Mind: Snow Thrower 101
For sellers who are trying to keep their property in “showing shape” over the winter and for new buyers who have just moved into their home, a snow thrower (a.k.a. snow blower) can make quick work of snow removal chores. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI)...
Living Landscape New Year’s Resolutions for Realtors & Sellers
Even though the real estate business traditionally slows down at this time of year, the turn of the New Year is a great time for Realtors to encourage clients to plan yard and garden projects that will have buyers swooning in the spring. The living landscape at a...
Winter Curb Appeal Checklist
Creating curb appeal is important in real estate and can increase value by as much as 17%. But it can be challenging to achieve in the cold weather months. Here is a list of to-dos from the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) that can help sellers create a good...
Use Cold Winter Days to Plan for Spring Landscape Projects
When winter hits, especially like the winter so much of the United States in experiencing, it can seem like spring will never come. But, there is no time like the present for homeowners to start planning lawn and landscape projects and the Outdoor Power Equipment...
Use Los Fríos Días De Invierno Para Planificar Proyectos De Jardinería En La Primavera
Cuando el invierno llega, especialmente como el invierno que está viviendo gran parte de Estados Unidos, puede parecer que la primavera nunca va a llegar. Pero, no hay momento como el presente para que los propietarios comiencen a planificar proyectos de césped y...
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